CrystalGaming CloneWarsRP | How will battalions work!

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Hello everyone! My name is Zhidus and I am the owner here at CrystalGaming. This announcement will tell you everything you need to know about the new CloneWarsRP server that is coming up! I will be making a series of posts about how our server will work and the systems that will be implemented!

To start off lets talk about battalions!

There will be four categories of battalions that every battalion is considered apart of! These four categories are as follows:


To start off the server there will be five battalion that will be active. These battalions will be as follows:

Attack/Frontline - 212th Attack Battalion with 2nd Airborne Company as a sub-battalion
Recon - Advanced Recon Forces
Support - Shadow Company & Coruscant Guard
Elite - Advanced Recon Commandos with Squad Seven and RANCOR as sub-battalions

After these battalions start to get full what is our plan, will we make your donate for battalions?

No. Battalions will work differently than most servers. I believe if a battalion is needed for the server then you should not have to buy it. So after these battalion start to get loyal players we will be opening Battalion Applications! If you want a battalion you simply full out an application and if it gets accepted you will get ownership of the battalion!

That's all we have for you today if anything gets updated this will also be updated.

Last Updated 3/6/2017